Let's Go Spartans!
Riverview PK8 opened in the fall of 2021.
This common space provides a variety of seating options for eating, collaborating and group events!
New flooring in the cafeteria!
New flooring and new lockers!
The entry was reconfigured to allow staff to meet visitors before they are allowed to enter the school.
New asphalt and striping really pop!
The entry was reconfigured to allow staff to greet visitors before they can enter the building.
New furniture!
Conrad Ball MS was renovated to become the newest PK8 in Thompson School District! Peakview Academy opened in August of 2023!
The TSD logo was added to every facility in the District!
New playground equipment!
New shade structure!
Refreshed Main Entry!
New flooring in the hallways!
New bleachers in the gym!