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Thompson School District Bond Projects

CBOC Members

CBOC Members

The Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee is comprised of voluntary representative members of the Thompson School District community. The committee’s membership reflects the diversity of the Thompson School District community.  Members were selected based upon the following stakeholder groups:

  • Business representatives with financial background: (2 members – 1 member with 3-year term, 1 member with 2-year terms)
  • Citizen representatives from the following communities: Berthoud, Loveland, Eastern portion of district, and surrounding unincorporated county: (4 members –2 members with 3-year terms, 2 members with 2-year terms)
  • Current TSD parent representatives: (2 members – 1 member with 2-year term, 1 member with 3-year term)
  • Citizens-at-Large: (8 members with 3-year and 2-year terms)

CBOC Members

Left to right: Chad Walker, Cecil Gutierrez, Neil Spooner, Bob Hermann, Dick Barton, Kim Melville-Smith, Dan Tran, Brendan Willits,
Bill Breunig, Denise Devore, Eric McDermid. Members not pictured: Laurie Anderson, Meg Declement, Thurese Newlin, Peter Peterson,
Roger Weidelman, James Dowd.